In Focus (#1-2 January-February 2022)

New Meaning

The concept of responsible business received new meaning and an international footprint relatively late. The issue of sustainability can find its way into state policies, business practice, human behavior and everyday life. It raises truly global problems of climate change risks, moves towards green energy, safe environment alongside regulations and policies — recycling technologies, alternatives to plastics, sustainable consumption of goods.

Ukraine is no exception, and the corporate sector increasingly incorporates sustainability factors into financial and investment decisions, external positioning and corporate culture. So-called Environmental Social Governance (ESG) initiatives then become crucial for choosing a business partner or an advisor.

At the same time, ignoring this issue may cost a lot in the long-run, as civil society can bring even big corporations and strong organizations to account. A lot of contributions in this latest issue of the UJBL are devoted to environmental issues, the class action mechanism and anticipated ESG disclosure requirements.

The UJBL team wishes us all to keep a calm mind and critical thinking in these restless times.

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